She is a member and certified professor of the Axis Syllabus Research Meshwork. Diploma in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Her lines of research focus on somatics, anatomy and biomechanics of movement. In the field of education and exchange, she develops experimental projects on somatics and Axis Syllabus, improvisation and composition, teaching the workshop Fàscia entre l’Ordre i el Caos together with Ona Fusté, participating in the Col·lectiu Free’t, which works instant composition through the Soundpainting language, and the VICINI project, where she investigates the relationship between body structures and objects based on the concept of tensegrity. Among her creatives works, Quasi Serenor stands out, an investigation into micromovement and microsounds with the double bassist Rafa Esteve and Ascendent, a dance solo that pays tribute to Pyrenean women of the 1920s.
Somatic into Contact Improvisation - Class and body-work
Fascia is the substance that connects every part of our bodies to every other part, an integrated mega-system that provides continuity and proposes collaborative relationships.
I propose to observe some essential characteristics of fascia to generate an image that will accompany us to direct our attention towards listening to our connective tissue. We will talk about ways to touch and use touch, a hand that connects with a body and the space to listen and support listening. Different touches stimulate different aspects of fascia and therefore different qualities of movement. The dance and the entry into the language of Contact Improvisation will be from connecting with slower rhythms of existence, inviting us to open up the perception towards the infinite that we are skin inwards. I invite us to enter a state where the form of the language we share (CI) emerges, from a deep internal listening and that this one lets itself be surprised and deformed by the chaotic and elastic quality of the fascia and the relationship with other bodies.