I have been a Contact Improvisation dancer since 2009 and since 2013 I have been teaching this form of dance.

I have researched different somatic approaches and have delved into Craniosacral therapy.

I am interested in finding the points of connection between these practices and being able to create spaces for exploration that focus on the possibility of feeling, listening and connecting with the internal forces of the body and its inherent wisdom.

I have shared my work on CI at festivals, universities and independent spaces in the following countries:

Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, the United States, Germany and Spain.

Together with teacher Marcela Ortiz de Zarate we have created a training program in dance and somatics called “Body Intelligence” Chile 2016.



Somatic into Contact Improvisation - Classes

"Nobody knows what a body can do"

Taking this phrase from Espinoza and his idea about the body as an unlimited power.

I am interested in sharing research from different somatic approaches and in relation to Contact Improvisation.

Exploring the qualities of sensations that are awakened by mobilizing specific structures and understanding the anatomical connections that occur during movement and dance.

The body has a system of self-regulation and organization which can be a power for dance.

Letting the body do what it knows better than trying to force it in any direction, relying on its own inherent intelligence.

What I move and feel awakens.

What I feel in my body becomes present.

Dance as a state of presence from the individual to the relational.


Contact Improvisation Festival - Classes

Relational Forces

“he body is a mystery moved by tangible and intangible forces”.
These forces can have their origin in the interaction with others, the relationship with space and the memory and vitality of our tissues and cells.
We will initiate explorations that allow us to make contact with the information that is born from the skin to the interior, inhabiting the internal universes that we register through the “sensations” and in some way could be the gateway to physicality, as well as a power of exploration during the dance.
Taking advantage of the power of “feeling” to explore from different relational dynamics and based on the principles of Contact improvisation.

Italy Contact Fest