Charlie è un performer, insegnante, collaboratore e regista che lavora con il movimento e la performance da più di 35 anni.
Ha lavorato con performance su piccola e larga scala in contesti teatrali, gallerie e siti nel Regno Unito e a livello internazionale. Progetti recenti (23/24) includono Supernature, un assolo creato con Siobhan Davies in risposta al suo film Transparent at Wainsgate Chapel; Scáling, un duetto con Markéta Stránska co-commissionato da Candoco e Sadlers Wells presso Schwere Reiter (altri in arrivo nel 2025): HERD – un progetto sonoro site-specific su larga scala con Artichoke e Orlando Gough in più siti nello Yorkshire; e A Marathon of Intimacies di Anushiye Yarnell al Chapter di Cardiff; Golberg Variations – un omaggio a Steve Paxton con Lucy Suggate alla Wainsgate Chapel.
Il suo lavoro è influenzato e ispirato da rapporti di lavoro a lungo termine con artisti tra cui Steve Paxton, Lisa Nelson, Scott Smith, K.J.Holmes, Kirstie Simson, Karen Nelson, Siobhan Davies, Katye Coe, Andrea Buckley, Lucy Suggate e molti altri.
Charlie organizza e co-cura anche Wainsgate Dances con Rob Hopper nello Yorkshire, Regno Unito, uno spazio internazionale guidato da artisti per la danza sperimentale. Comprende sessioni quotidiane di pratica aperta, residenze, workshop e spettacoli.
Contact Improvisation Festival - Intensive
Continued Adventures of the Apple
We will notice how we notice, and question how we expand our range of what we can become aware of as we move – on our own and with other bodies in space.
The materials we will work are in dialogue with, and draw inspiration and instruction from, Steve Paxton’s Material for the Spine, Lisa Nelson’s Tuning Scores and my own researches in movement, performance and teaching.We will fall and rise, and pour and expand; and float and fly; tumble and suspend; twist and curve – we will make experiments in what it means to exist as small bodies in relation the larger body of the earth, and play with how that relationship provides the conditions for a vast realm of simple and complex movement to occur.
Our moving will be supported by anatomical maps and pathways to explore; experiments in physical/imaginative/
Contact Improvisation into Performance - Intensive
Moving, Seeing and Being Seen
We will shift between different ways of working with our physical senses as we move – seeing, listening and feeling – alone and together with others. We will observe ourselves and other people in action, through physical and spatial touch, and we’ll explore what we mean when we think of performance – whether it is something more concerned with the doing, showing, or being in communication – or something else altogether.
We will use improvisational scores and practices to explore different ways in which movement arises and is developed through interaction, and we will play with ways in which we invite being seen in that process. We will question how we might engage with being seen as a means of supporting and amplifying the substance and materiality of our actions.
The work is fed by Charlie’s work with Steve Paxton’s Material For the Spine as a resource for and approach to thinking movement, and with Lisa Nelson’s Tuning Scores as tools for group composition. The workshop is also fed by his studies and research in performance, composition and different approaches to body/mind relationships.
This workshop will be an opportunity to dive into an intensive few days of expanded moving and performing practice where perception, action, and the firing of our imaginations will be our materials